Once blocking has been implemented across your site(s), you'll see a new dashboard module on your page.
The toggle, as shown above, allows you to swap the blocking section of the UI with the scanning section of the UI, so you can prioritize which section you'd like to see at the top. Otherwise, you can scroll down.
It's worth noting that the date range picker is the only filter that will apply to the "Total Ads Blocked" metric. The other filters (URLs, DFP Companies/Networks, and Devices) do not apply here. It's also important to keep in mind that "Total Ads Scanned" looks at a completely different piece of our product than "Total Ads Blocked" and the two numbers do not coincide. More information on the Blocking Dashboard is here.
Diving Deeper
Once you see the number of "Total Ads Blocked," you'll likely want to dig deeper into why the ads are being blocked, what the malicious signatures are and who the responsible party is. In order to do this, click on the "Blocking" tab in our navigation bar.
In the DFP View of the Blocking Tab, you'll find the following information:
Block Type
DFP Company
DFP Order
Total Blocked
Last Blocked
Next is the ‘Signature’ View, which ranks all Unique Signatures blocked in the selected date range by volume. To focus in on a certain signature, selecting the ‘eyeball’ icon for more information will search on the signature via the DFP view or the Network view.
For the ‘Network’ view, the blocking data is organized by Creative ID and corresponding Network. Because not all Network Partners share creative IDs (CRID) in the markup, this view won’t include 100% of the blocks made like the DFP view does. Once the CRID is extracted, ADL’s logic will assign the Network.
In addition to the above, Ad Lightning also provides the Blocked Source and the HTML Source so that you can work with your network partners to have them block the malicious signatures on their end if you'd like. This information can be found by clicking on the icons at the end of each row.
Clicking on the icons will pop open a modal with the additional information for the specified ad. This should contain all of the information needed to locate an ad in a given system for removal.
In the event that you'd like to share reports with others, there are two ways to add ads to a report. You can either set up automated reports to notify partners of blocked ads or you can manually create custom reports to group ads for a specific purpose.
As reporting within our UI works the same for Blocking as it does for both Scanning and Data Collection, please refer to this article on "How to Report an Ad" for further instruction.
Blocking Configuration
Standard Configuration:
With the Standard configuration, our blocking wrapper automatically detects and blocks bad ads from rendering on your site. From there, you can easily add objects that are known to be safe and should be excluded from our blocking wrapper to an Exclusion List.
Selective Configuration:
With the Selective Configuration option, ads will not be protected by default. Instead, you build an Inclusion List by adding DFP objects that are known to be problematic and should be wrapped with our blocking wrapper.
If you have a greater percentage of direct traffic on your site, this configuration option may be best for you, as you can opt to have only programmatic objects on your Inclusion List.
Allowlist Management
There are often instances where certain creatives, such as direct campaigns, don't need the ADL creative wrapper. As a client, you have the ability to allowlist specific DFP objects as needed. For the entry Types ‘Advertiser’, ‘Creative’, ‘Line Item’, and ‘Order’, it must be a numerical ID. ‘Platform’ can be numerical or a keyword comprised of letters.
To utilize this feature, click on "Settings" in the upper right-hand corner of the dashboard. You'll want to then click on the second tab over, labeled "Blocking." There, under "Exclusions," you can add any DFP objects that are known to be safe by simply selecting the allowlist type from the dropdown, entering the corresponding value, and then selecting "Add". You'll want to make sure you click on "Save Changes" before moving on.
It's best to discuss allowlisting early in the process with your account manager as it's often helpful to allowlist custom units out of the gate to avoid performance issues upon deployment.
For information on Denylist customization look here.