Ad Lightning's API's helps Networks, Exchanges, SSPs & DSPs scan creatives in real-time to ensure they are providing high-quality traffic to their Publisher partners.
Ad Lightning Blocking Results API allows you to see all of the details about blocked items including markup, blacklist matches and location info.
Ad Lightning's Display Ad Scanning API is a straightforward way to scan a large number of ad creatives to ensure they meet a platform's ad quality standards.
Ad Lightning's Video Ad Scanning API provides a similar solution for VAST & VPAID video.
Best Practices for Display API
I. What are the metrics and how are they defined
Current API metrics:
II. Setting Baselines
Below is our recommendation for classifying the results into Fair, Poor and Critical categories to more easily make decisions about a specific creative or group of creatives. Critical should be used as the threshold at which an ad would be automatically removed from your system.
For our clients, Ad Lightning sets default values based on industry averages, historical data & IAB guidelines. Often, clients will use Ad Lightning's default values to get started and adjust over time as they become oriented to our data.
III. Decisioning off of the results we receive from AdLightning.
Consider demand sources: Typically new and higher risk demand sources require more frequent scans
Net-new creative: For all new tags entering the system, consider hourly scans for a period of 3-4 days. After that ads can be scanned at a lower cadence.
Ads with critical violations & malware - Block
If an ad has a significant change in a specific measurement (e.g. resources jump from 50 to 600) - Continue to scan hourly
Demand sources with high volumes of poor ads, discuss as business level